Weekly digest - 2018.06

Weekly digest - 2018.06

Finally, after years of designing and building, SpaceX launched Falcon Heavy into space. The world's most powerful rocket took the Starman in a red Tesla in space while twin boosters landed near the launch site in Florida giving us unforgettable spectacle.
Although the mission achieved its primary goal - putting a cargo on its way to Mars, it wasn't fully successful. While the two side boosters landed simultaneously on the ground, the core one crashed into the ocean. At the moment, it looks like the booster was approaching the landing barge too fast and missed it by couple meters.
Despite this malfunction, we are one step closer from landing on Mars.

Lucasfilm released teaser trailer for upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story. Despite all the fuss with switching directors in the middle of production, the movie seems to be good and interesting.

And now it's time for the list of interesting things I stumble upon this week.

Apple's Emoji Crackdown
Apple started rejecting iOS apps that use emojis in different places than text fields. I understand that Apple does own the copyright to its emoji font, but rejecting creative and good looking apps because they use emoji instead of normal words is the way to make developers go away from the platform.

Swift 4.1 improves Codable with keyDecodingStrategy
Swift came a long and bumpy road. I still remember how hard it was to parse JSON when Swift came out in 2014. In this article Paul Hadson give us a glimpse into the future and explains how easy it will be to parse JSON with Swift 4.1.

CloudKit: Structured Storage for Mobile Applications
This white paper gives the behind the scenes look into Apple's CloudKit.

Every iOS developer must heard of CocoaPods. Those who use it know that managing dependencies is difficult. This app makes our life a little bit easier.

Building .NET Core 2.0 web apps with Vue.js single file components using VS Code
Adam Marczak shows how to integrate Vue.js with Asp.NET Core 2.0

Image credits: SpaceX.

Weekly digest - 2018.03

Weekly digest - 2018.03

First two weeks of this year were quite busy. We had CPUs meltdowns, then we had
busy CES. Finally, this week was a normal one, at least for most of us. So, if you are not running for your life, check this list of interesting things I stumbled upon this week.

Making of Apple's emojis
10 years ago Angela Guzman was an intern at Apple. Today, she give us insight into how the Apple's emojis were created. It is really interesting to read how things we use every day became the reality.

CALayer tutorials
If you ever wonder how all those fancy iOS animations are made, this is the site for you. Shannon Potter wrote multiple in-depth tutorials explaining how to do them.

Nintendo Labo
Nintendo goes back to making toys. This time, it is going to make cardboard accessories to Nintendo Switch. It looks weird at the beginning, but actually it is clever combination of portable console and piece of cardboard.

Nintendo Switch Emulator
Speaking of Nintendo Switch. CEMU Emulator now supports Nintendo Switch. It supports one game, to be precise. Nevertheless, here you can see The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in stunning 4k 60fps!

GeForece Now - cloud gaming by Nvidia
Nvidia presented their own gaming service. It allow to play AAA games on your ordinary PC and Mac. At the moment, the service offers almost 150 games, including Star Wars Battlefront II, The Witcher 3 and PUBG. Pricing is still unknown, but you can try to get access to the free beta.

Beat Saber is a VR rhythm game. I'm not a big fan of music games, but this one is impressive. Something tells me, this might be a hit 😉.

Star Wars Rebels Mid-Season 4 Trailer
After 4 seasons, Star Wars Rebels is coming to an end. Here is the official trailer of remaining episodes.

Image credits: Disney.