Weekly digest - 2018.21

Weekly digest - 2018.21

We've updated our privacy policy. This is the sentence we've seen too many times in recent days. It is funny to see how companies comply to GDPR. Most of the companies just updated the privacy policies. Some companies have stopped providing services for EU users. An interesting approach has been taken by USA Today. They've prepared a separate version of their website for EU users. What's interesting, the EU version doesn't have any tracking and ad scripts, so the size of the site has been reduced from 5.2MB to ~500KB.
Fortunately the GDPR is finally here, all companies must to comply to new law. but it looks like some of them have not managed to do that. Google and Facebook have already been hit with a lawsuits with total fine set to about 7.6 billion euro.

This week we also had a premiere of Solo: A Star Wars Story. It is good summer blockbuster movie. If you are a Star Wars fans, you will enjoy it much more. The number of references to Expanded Universe and ester eggs is stunning. Ron Howard managed to create a fast paced and funny origin story of Han Solo and Chewbacca. Watching it, you can fell a climate of old adventure movies from 80's. In terms of acting, many people has been worried about Alden Ehrenreich. It turns out that he was really good, natural. But let be honest, the show has been stolen by Donald Glover. His portrayal of Lando was spot on.
I really enjoyed this movie and I can't want to see it again.

And here is list of interesting things.

Immersive linear algebra

Best Visual Studio Code Extensions

Adobe Photoshop Souce Code

Best iOS hacks from Twitter: March & April Edition

An iOS architecture approach for UIViewController states & error management in Swift

Weekly digest - 2018.19

Weekly digest - 2018.19

Last week we had F8 from Facebook, this week we got 2 more conferences - Build from Microsoft and Google IO. Microsoft focused on integrations and IoT:

Next day, Google showed us:

Now, we know what 3 of 4 biggest IT companies are up to, Apple will unveil its plans during WWDC next month.

Last week marked the 20th anniversary of the iMac. Personally I'm not a big fan of the iMac line, but without a doubt this machine changed the way how people perceive personal computers.

Speaking of Apple computers. On Friday a class action lawsuit was filed in federal court. Apple is accused of knowing about flows and defects in MacBook Pro's keyboard before it launched in 2015.
Last week we saw report about high number of keyboard failures in MacBook Pro, so this lawsuit was just a matter of time. As this "keyboard gate" is developing rapidly I will keep an eye on this matter with a great interest.

Also this week we had a premiere of the Solo: A Star Wars Story. The first reactions are positive, saying that the movie is funny. It looks like Lucasfilm did it again, even with directors swap in the middle of shooting.

As we are on the topic of Star Wars, Jon Favreau give us a couple of news about his upcoming live action TV series. It will be set about 7 years after battle of Endor. It will introduce brand new characters. The technology used for the Jungle Book and Lion King will also be used to make the TV show.

As for the interesting links, I only have one - E3 2018 conference schedule.

Image credits: Google.

May the 4th be with you

May the 4th be with you

Today is Star Wars day, the annual celebration of Star Wars. And now there is no better time to be Star Wars fan. Every year we get a new feature length movie. We had awesome animated show (which by the way, had better storyline and characters than some of the blockbuster movies). Not to mention we can explore the Expanded Universe from novels and comic books.
When Disney bought Lucasfilm in late 2012, and they basically reset the canon I was afraid that they gonna ruin our beloved franchise. But I also hoped that they could do the same thing what they did with Marvel franchise. Where everything is connected, and one movie leads to another.
Now, couple years later, I know they did that. Not like Marvel, only with movies. They took advantage of every medium. Books introduce us to the movies and comics fill the gaps. All of them are more or less connected with TV series.
And my fears from the past are gone. Disney and Lucasfilm not only kept the spirit of Star Wars, but they gave it a new life. I can only hope they keep going and never stop.

Image credits: BagoGames.

Weekly digest - 2018.17

Weekly digest - 2018.17

This week Disney announced new TV series - Star Wars Resistance. It will be animated story of young pilot - Kazuda Xiono - recruited by the Resistance. For now we don't know much about the story, beside the fact that we'll meet new trilogy characters like Poe Dameron and Captain Phasma.
The series is created by Lucasfilm Animation veterans, including Dave Filoni.
Show will have its premiere this fall.

After many years Google decided to redesign Gmail. After Google Calendar, the mail client also got the Material design.
I must admit that after years of using old Gmail, now it feels strange, but I'm sure this is something that I'll get use to.

Unboxings of Nintendo Lobo started showing up on YouTube. I must admit, after watching first announcements I was skeptical. Now, after seeing how this works behind the scenes I am really impressed. I had no idea how much ingenuity and engineering was put to create Labo experiments.

And last but not least, here is the list of interesting articles.

Here are three common ways to create your Lambda functions with AWS
Serverless becomes more and more popular. Here you will learn how to create serverless functions using AWS.

Creating a Website with Nuxt.js and WordPress REST API
From this article you will learn how to create custom CMS using Vue.js, Nuxt.js and Wordpress as a backend.

I built a screenshot API and some guy was mining cryptocurrencies with it
Good reminder that we should always protect our APIs because they can be exploited to do unusual things.

Higher Order Function and its uses in Swift 4
Here you will find overview of functional programming in Swift.

Managing UI Colours with iOS 11 Asset Catalogs
Arnold Sakhnov explains how to manage and use UIColors in iOS projects.

JavaScript ES6 — write less, do more
Short but refreshing overview of new functionality introduced in ES6.

Vue.js & Electron: The easy way
Vue-CLI 3 is here and from this post you will learn how to use it to create Electron project.

Image credits: Disney.

Weekly digest - 2018.10

Weekly digest - 2018.10

This week was funny because some of our electric clocks started to run behind. It was caused by frequency deviations in Central Europe. The energy dispute between Serbia and Kosovo caused a frequency deviation, which led to a slight decrease in the electric frequency average. This affected electric clocks that are steered by the frequency of the electric current and not by a quartz crystal.

Speaking of issues. San Francisco Chronicle released transcripts of 911 calls about injuries from walking into glass. There were rumors about this, but this looks like serious design flaw.

Star Wars Rebels ended. Needless to say the ending was great. Second half of this season was amazing. I wish the Clone Wars had ending like this.
Big thanks to Dave Filoni and his crew for this incredible show.

The end of Rebels doesn't mean the end of Star Wars on TV. We know that there will be at least one more animated show. Also John Favreau has been anounced as a procuder and writer of upcoming Star Wars Live action TV series.

And as always, here is the list of interesting things.

A Lot Can Happen in a Decade
This year marks the 10th anniversary of releasing iPhone SDK. This SDK changed the mobile industry. Craig Hockenberry shows the humble beginnings and later evolution of the iOS development.

[Full Stack Shopping Cart With MEVN Stack Part1 and Part2
This 2-part article shows how to create a shopping cart using Vue.js and MongoDB.

Managing User Permissions in a VueJS App
Anthony explains how to manage user in Vue.js application.

Image credits: Tristan Colangelo.