Weekly digest - 2018.18

Weekly digest - 2018.18

At the beginning of this week, Facebook hold the F8 developer conference. Let's face it, this year edition was in shadow of Cambridge Analytica data scandal. Nevertheless, Facebook announced couple of interesting things:

Also this week, AppleInsider presented report showing that 2016 MacBook Pro keyboard is failing twice as frequently as older models. I'm working on such MacBook Pro for over a year and I must admit, those stats don't surprise me. It has one of the worst keyboards I ever worked with.

Google and GitHub made one step closer to safer Internet. Google launched .app domains with HTTPS built-in. GitHub added HTTPS support for custom domains on GitHub Pages.

And finally, here is the list of cool things.

Portrait in pure CSS
Diana Adrianne did amazing female portrait using only css.

What's new in Swift
This site explains Swift new features. What's cool about this site, it contains changes and features introduced in every version of the Swift - since version 1.0 up to current release (4.2). Thanks to this, you can select your current stack and gradually move to newer versions.

How to make meetings (with your client) more effective
I know, putting my own article here is a little bit selfish, but screw this. I think it is worth reading, so I'm gonna promote it.

Image credits: Facebook.

Weekly digest - 2018.12

Weekly digest - 2018.12

This week was mostly about Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal. Long story short, Cambridge had copies of private data for about 50 million Facebook users. Cambridge supposed to delete that data in 2015. What is even more interesting the Cambridge Analytica was involved in Donald Trump's presidential campaign which could influence the outcome of presidential election.
One thing is sure, Facebook will have to explain why Cambridge Analytica still had access to users data and how much Facebook actually care about user privacy.

On the bright side, the GDC 2018 took place. It is mostly about sessions, but we got a few cool technical demonstrations like Real-Time Ray Tracing Star Wars Demo or digital human performances from Siren and Andy Serkins.

Also Apple fixed buggy iPhone X ad before fixing the actual iOS 11 bug. This perfectly shows current mindset of Apple - lets fix the glitch in the ad instead of actual bug.

And finally, here is the list of interesting articles.

Designing Windows 95’s User Interface
This is really interesting paper about how Windows 95 user interface evolved and came to life. I must admit i felt nostalgic after reading it.

The most powerful tips to help you get a remote job
If you are a remote worker or you want to become one then this article is for you.

A complete introduction to Apollo, the GraphQL toolkit
GraphQL is getting more and more popular. And it looks like, it is just the matter of time that it will become more popular than REST. This article explains the basics, so if you never used GraphQL or Apollo before, you should check this out.

iOS Subscriptions are Hard
Jacob explains how to properly implement subscription mechanism in iOS app.

How to make a poster for Avengers: Infinity War in HTML and CSS
This is tutorial explains how to create cool looking website using just HTML and CSS.

The secret world of NSTimer
Nice explanation of inner workings of NSTimer.

Image credits: Facebook.

Weekly digest - 2018.10

Weekly digest - 2018.10

This week was funny because some of our electric clocks started to run behind. It was caused by frequency deviations in Central Europe. The energy dispute between Serbia and Kosovo caused a frequency deviation, which led to a slight decrease in the electric frequency average. This affected electric clocks that are steered by the frequency of the electric current and not by a quartz crystal.

Speaking of issues. San Francisco Chronicle released transcripts of 911 calls about injuries from walking into glass. There were rumors about this, but this looks like serious design flaw.

Star Wars Rebels ended. Needless to say the ending was great. Second half of this season was amazing. I wish the Clone Wars had ending like this.
Big thanks to Dave Filoni and his crew for this incredible show.

The end of Rebels doesn't mean the end of Star Wars on TV. We know that there will be at least one more animated show. Also John Favreau has been anounced as a procuder and writer of upcoming Star Wars Live action TV series.

And as always, here is the list of interesting things.

A Lot Can Happen in a Decade
This year marks the 10th anniversary of releasing iPhone SDK. This SDK changed the mobile industry. Craig Hockenberry shows the humble beginnings and later evolution of the iOS development.

[Full Stack Shopping Cart With MEVN Stack Part1 and Part2
This 2-part article shows how to create a shopping cart using Vue.js and MongoDB.

Managing User Permissions in a VueJS App
Anthony explains how to manage user in Vue.js application.

Image credits: Tristan Colangelo.

Weekly digest - 2018.08

Weekly digest - 2018.08

Last week of February was calm and I would say uneventful.
SpaceX successfully launched another Falcon 9. This time they also tried to
tried to recover the payload fairings. The recovery attempt was unfortunately unsuccessful. The fairings fall to the ocean a few hundred meters from the recovery boat. Nevertheless, it is impressive how SpaceX is trying to reuse as many rocket parts as possible.

Also it looks like the script for Star Wars Episode IX is finished.

And there you have the list of interesting things that I stumble upon this week.

New features of Bootstrap 4
Bootstrap 4 had its release last by the end of January. This article presents what is new and what changed since version 3.

What is a JSON Web Token?
Rob explains what is a JSON Web Token and we use it to handle authentication. This is in depth analysis and if you are doing anything related to user authentication this is must read!

Record and share your terminal sessions
This app allows to record and share the terminal sessions.

Flavors of Engineering Management
The management role in software project is quite controversial. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it's just a pain in the ass. In this article, Benjamin tries to look at this role from different perspectives by distinguishing 3 "flavors" of this role.
If you have issues with a management in your project, maybe you need manager of a different "flavor".

Image credits: Lucasfilm.

Weekly digest - 2018.05

Weekly digest - 2018.05

In this week we mostly lived by Elon Musk's Not a Flamethrowers that were sold out withing 48 hours.

Intel presented the roadmap of how they play to fix the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities in the silicon chips.
Speaking of Spectre. Newest Windows patch allows to disable the Spectre microcode

Also after couple years of development, the Boostrap 4 has been finally released.

Last but not least, here is the list of interesting things I stumble upon this week.

2018 Developer Skills Report
HackerRank compiled a report on developer skills. There are some great insights, including: what are the developer's favorite languages and frameworks, how they get new skills, what developers want in a job.

Google doesn’t necessarily need innovation
This is follow up to the Why I left Google article.

How I review code
Code review is a controversial topic. We all should be doing it, but sometimes we
don't. There is a lot of reasons why - most common cause are deadlines, but sometimes we don't feel comfortable with it. This article explains how to do a human friendly review.

Parallel programming with Swift: Operations
Jan Olbrich explains basics of concurrency and parallel programing in Swift.

A better way to update UICollectionView data in Swift with diff framework
Dynamic content in UITableViews and UICollectionViews is quite difficult to achieve. This article explains how to do it properly.

How to get HTTPS working on your local development environment in 5 minute
Most of the websites are protected by HTTPS. If yours is not, it should be! From this article you will learn how to setup HTTPS on your local machine.

An introduction to Progressive Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps are the latest trend in mobile application development using web technologies. Flavio Copes explains the basics behind this concept.

Concepts is sketching and design app for iOS. I don't have any drawing skills, but this app looks really impressive from UX point of view.

Image credits: Boring Company.