Weekly digest - 2019.51
Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
When Disney bought Lucasfilm I was really excited. Especially after seeing what they've done with Marvel franchise. In MCU every movie has its own plot, but ultimately it is a step forward into bigger, more important, story. Unfortunately the last Star Wars movies felt random. They lack of greater vision. It is especially visible with The Last Jedi. That movie is so much different from the rest of the saga, that JJ Abrams had to sacrifice a part of the Rise of the Skywalker to fix the wrongs of its predecessor. It is clearly visible by the incredible pace of the movie and some, still unanswered, plot holes.
Beside that, I enjoyed the Episode 9, and I think it is very good conclusion of the Skywalker Saga. It's not perfect, but it gives a closure to the story that started over 42 years ago.
The Witcher
Netflix has released the first season of The Witcher. And I really liked it, especially the role of Geralt. It looks like Henry Cavill was born to play him.
I was a little worried about putting Yennefer and Ciri as the main characters so early in the story, but in the end I really liked it.
The only thing I didn't like, was mixing the events from the past with the current ones. There was no clear distinction between them. Past events felt like they were happening today, and in the end they are a little bit confusing.
Overall, the first season of The Witcher is very good, and I can't wait for the next one.
Interesting links
- 7 Uses for CSS Custom Properties
- Hex Guess!
- The State of JavaScript 2019
- TypeScript Tutorial for JS Programmers Who Know How to Build a Todo App
- Design Principles of Vue 3.0 by Evan You
- The power of @ViewBuilder in SwiftUI
- Why I quit using the ObservableObject in SwiftUI
- What's New in Vapor 4
- SwiftUI Text
- SQL Murder Mystery
- The boring technology behind a one-person Internet company
- The Blind Smartphone Camera Test 2019!