Weekly digest - 2018.34
This week Nvidia unveiled the new GeForce RTX 2000 series of graphics cards at Gamescom. New series is a long-awaited successor of GTX 1000 series. Based on new Turing architecture, the RTX 2080 is a big step forward into achieving real-time ray-tracing effects in games. Beside new effects, Nvidia also promises a 6 times more performance comparing to previous generation of GPUs.
Cards were available for preorder with shipment scheduled for 20th of September. The reference pricing for the cards is following:
- RTX 2070 is $499
- RTX 2080 is $699
- RTX 2080 Ti is $999
- RTX 2070 Founders Edition is $599
- RTX 2080 Founders Edition is $799
- RTX 2080 Founders Edition Ti is $1,199
Despite the high prices, all cards are already sold out. And thanks to crypto-miners, I would not expect to see them available before premiere or with lower prices.
This is it for this week. Before you leave, please check this list of interesting things out.
The 10 Secrets to Indie Game Success (and Why They Do Not Exist)
This is Windows 95, running in an Electron app
Splash - A fast, lightweight and flexible Swift syntax highlighter for blogs, tools and fun!
The Firebase Database For SQL Developers Series
How you can style your terminal like Medium, freeCodeCamp, or any way you want
Lolcat, Colorls, Catpix, and other Ruby Gems to add color to your terminal
Image credits: Nvidia.