Weekly digest - 2019.32

Weekly digest - 2019.32

Apple rolls out Apple Card

On Tuesday Apple started rolling out its Apple Card to selected users.  The new credit card is available to limited group people who signed up on Apple's website to be notified about the card. The rest of the users will get access to their Apple Card  later this month. Alongside the card, Apple also released a series of videos explaining how to set up and use the Apple Card.

New details about Disney+

Finally we learned the price of the new service. The basic trier of Disney+ will cost  $6.99 per month. Disney also announced the bundle option with: Disney+, ESPN+ and Hulu for $12.99 per month. This is quite compelling option fo US users because all those services bought separately would cost about $18.

The price seems to be reasonable. Hopefully when Disney+ comes to Europe, in 2021, the price will be on similar rate.

Weekly digest - 2018.50

Weekly digest - 2018.50

This week, YouTube Rewind 2018 became the most disliked video on YouTube. After really good 2012 and 2013 editions, which celebrated the best moments on Youtube, rewind became a platform for "pleasing" advertisers.
It is fascinating to see, how YouTube still tries to appeal as perfect platform. Instead of focusing on most impactful moments of 2018, even if those moments are full of dramas or controversy, they try to sell YouTube as a happy place where nothing wrong happens. To be honest, this approach doesn't surprise me as we already saw, YouTubers better understand the platform than YouTube itself.
I really want next versions of rewinds to focus on trends and most popular videos/events from the platform. I would also love to see only couple of YouTubers doing something that is related with their work on Youtube, instead of current dances with dozens of people.

As nothing else happened this week, here is the list of interesting things:

How Companies Like Bored Panda, REI, and Vox Are Growing Their Organic Reach on Social Media

Here are the most interesting developer podcasts — 2019 edition

Microservices and Availability

iOS: Image filters using CoreImage and MetalKitView

Improving code testability with Swift protocols

How to convert your Xcode plugins to Xcode extensions

Image credits: YouTube.