Weekly digest - 2018.24
Before I jump into main event of this week - E3, I would like to go back to an event from the beginning of the last week when Microsoft bought GitHub for $7.5B. I didn't want to cover this topic back then, because I wanted to wait and see how people and industry would react. One week later it looks like most of the people are happy. Of course some people moved to GitLab, but massive exodus from GitHub never happened.
I personally liked that GitHub was independent, but I also admire what Microsoft is doing with Open Source and their development platforms. I think, in long term, nothing will drastically change. Microsoft will support GitHub and we'll be still using GitHub as home for our repositories.
Now, going to this week main event - E3. To be totally honest with you, I'm not following the gaming industry as I used to, so from this year's E3 all I wanted to see and hear was Cyberpunk 2077 and new Star Wars games.
CD Project RED did not fail. They presented the trailer and gameplay. Unfortunately we will have to wait for the gameplay a little longer, as it was presented behind closed doors. But journalists initial impressions were very positive.
The trailer itself is really cool, but I was expecting something more dark. I don't know why, but I associate cyberpunk with a dark and brutal world. To be honest, I personally prefer this incredible fan-made version.
Regarding Star Wars games, I'm a little bit disappointed. We only got two announcements. First about new Battlefront 2 DLC. And the second was Star Wars: Jedi – Fallen Order that Respawn Entertainment is working on. Game is set between Episode 3 and 4 and will be released in 2019.
Here is my pick of interesting games that were presented during E3:
- Anthem,
- Assassin's Creed Odyssey,
- Assetto Corsa Competizione,
- Battlefield V,
- Beyond Good & Evil 2,
- Crackdown 3,
- The Crew 2,
- Cyberpunk 2077,
- Death Stranding,
- Destiny 2: Forsaken,
- Devil may cry 5,
- The Division 2,
- DOOM Eternal,
- Dying Light 2,
- The Elder Scrolls VI,
- Fallout 76,
- FIFA 19,
- Forza Horizon 4,
- Gears 5,
- GreedFall,
- Halo Infinite,
- Hitman 2,
- Just Cause 4,
- Kingdom Hearts III,
- The Last of Us: Part II,
- Metro Exodus,
- Ori and the Will of the Wisps,
- Overcooked 2,
- RAGE 2,
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider,
- Soulcalibur 6,
- Spider-Man,
- Star Citizen,
- Star Wars: Jedi – Fallen Order,
- Super Mario Party,
- Super Smash Bros. Ultimate,
- Total War: Three Kingdoms,
- Unravel 2,
- Wolfenstein: Youngblood.
Sorry guys, but I don't have any interesting link this week :/
Image credits: E3 Expo.