Weekly Digest - 2020.49
Salesforce buys Slack
Saleforce, a cloud computing giant will acquire the Chat service - Slack - for $27.7 billion. Slack is one of the most popular communicator in the computer industry.
It is still unknown what are Salesforce's plans for the application, but it is quite possible they will be related with enterprise customers.
Most popular applications from the App Store
Apple announced the most downloaded apps and games from the App Store in the 2020.
The top 3 free apps:
- Zoom
- TikTok
- Disney+
Top 3 paid apps:
- TouchRetouch
- Procreate Pocket
- FaceTune
Top 3 free games:
- Among Us
- Call of Duty Mobile
- Roblox
Top 3 paid games:
- Minecraft
- Plague Inc.
- Heads Up! Best Charades game
Apple's Best App of 2020
Apple also announced the best apps of 2020:
- iPhone App of the Year: Wakeout!
- iPhone Game of the Year: Genshin Impact
- iPad App of the Year: Zoom,
- iPad Game of the Year: Legends of Runeterra
- Mac Game of the Year: Disco Elysium
- Mac App of the Year: Fantastical
- Apple TV App of the Year: Disney+
- Apple TV Game of the Year: Dandara Trials of Fear
- Apple Watch App of the Year: Endel
- Apple Arcade Game of the Year: Sneaky Sasquatch
Also, winners will get a physical trophy.
Dope links
- The future of SwiftUI navigation (?)
- Developers resorting to giving away apps to help them make more sales is insane
- New – Use Amazon EC2 Mac Instances to Build & Test macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS Apps
Image credits: Slack