Weekly digest - 2018.42

During this week literally nothing happened. The only things worth mentioning are listed below.

  1. Apple announced iPad Pro and Mac event for October 30th with really cool logo variants,
  2. Apple started taking iPhone XR preorders in selected countries,
  3. Google will start charging Android device makers a fee for using its apps in Europe.

That's really all, so if you are interested, please take a look at the following articles.

Using ASP.NET Core with MongoDB in containers for local dev, CosmosDB for production

How Microsoft rewrote its C# compiler in C# and made it open source

5 Easy Steps to Understanding JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

How Font Awesome became the most funded software project on Kickstarter — and what we can learn from it

Motion Design Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

Stop building websites with infinite scroll!

Image credits: Apple.