Weekly digest - 2018.13

The world is still dealing with Facebook’s scandal. This time people are even more concern because Facebook probably knows about us more than we thought. One thing is sure, this incident changed people's perception of data privacy.

Earlier this week Apple hold an education event in Chicago. This event was all about Apple's approach to education.
After watching this event I have mixed feeling. Apple claims to "reinvent" the eduction, but this approach won't change anything. Unfortunately, once again, it looks like Apple's ability to change the world died together with Steve Jobs.

And now it's time for my list of interesting articles.

Vue CLI 3: A Game Changer For Frontend Development
Vue CLI 3 is going to change the way we bootstrap Vue.js applications. This article explains why.

git log – the Good Parts
Lets face it, GUI Git clients are awesome, especially when it comes to analyzing the repository history. From this post you will learn how to do it from old plain terminal.

Progressive Web Apps on iOS are here
With iOS 11.3 we can run PWA on Apple phones and tablets. From this article you will learn what is possible to do, and what are the limitations comparing to native apps and PWA on Android.

Progressive Web Apps: Bridging the gap between web and mobile apps
If you don't know what PWA is this article is for you.

One hour of side project coding a day - UPDATE #1
Andy explains how to spend just an hour a day and finish mini side projects.

Swift 4.1 Released!
Newest version of the language is finally here.

Image credits: Apple.